Author name: Satish

Photographer, blogger, traveller. Addicted to yoga. Alumnus of College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram and Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai. Born in /Kerala. Resident of Mumbai.


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I was riding my Honda Activa last week when I came across the beautiful  bougainvillea in bloom. It was on the side of a winding street and the flowers hung over it. I composed the shot in such a way that the bougainvillea took up nearly half the frame. The lady in a bright yellow saree added a spot of colour.

The photo was on Flickr Explore at no. 255 of 1 March. Click here to see the image on my photostream.


I captured the image on a road leading to Naigaon. Although not many people were on the road, there was a surprising amount of vehicular traffic including BMW and Mercedes cars. So I had to wait for a window when the road was clear of cars.

Exif Data

The camera is Canon EOS 550D. The Canon EF-S18-55mm lens was set to 34mm. Shutter speed was 1/60 sec and the ISO at 200.

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Banyan Tree

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The big Banyan Tree towered over the road. Slanting rays of the sun fell on the tree. Roots of the tree hung low. A touch of colour was provided by the rider on a bike. Receding lines of the road lent depth to the photo.

Banyan Tree; Mumbai; India; uasatish; tree;;
Banyan Tree

The Banyan Tree was on the road to Naigaon Koliwada near Mumbai. There was quite a bit of vehicular movement. I had to wait some time to get a clear shot.

Technical Info

The Canon EF-S18-55mm lens was set to a wide angle of 23mm. Aperture was at f/7.1. Exposure time was 1/60sec. The camera is my Canon EOS 550D.

The image was on Flickr Explore at no. 189 on 19 February.

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The floral cascades caught my eye. The tumble of colours was nice. The area was in the shade of some trees. There was diffused light and a play of light and shade.

India; uasatish; Pune; garden; nature;;

The location is in Infosys Park, Pune. There was a lot of green and well-tended gardens all over the place.

Technical Info

I used my Canon EOS 550D with Canon prime lens EF50mm f/1.8II. Aperture was set to f/6.3 at a shutter speed of 1/1000 sec. Flash did not fire.

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Burning Bright

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It was a breathtaking sunset. Here I wanted to bring out details of the green land in foreground. I used my Canon 50mm prime lens at its widest setting of f/1.8. I focused on the grass. The result was a golden light and soft sun.

uasatish; India; Vasai;; nature;
Burning Bright

The shot was captured in Mumbai last month. Click here to see the image on my Flickr photostream. The photo featured on Flickr Explore at no. 256 of 2 January.

Camera Info

The camera is Canon EOS 550D. Shutter was fired at 1/800 sec. ISO speed was 100. Depth of field was shallow due to the wide aperture.

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Red Streak

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I was out on an evening walk when I saw the spectacular sky. A band of red clouds stretched for quite some distance. Such displays usually last only for a few minutes. I was not carrying a camera but luckily had  my smartphone. I made use of it and here is the photo.

India; Mumbai; red; sky; nature; uasatish;; Vasai;
Red Streak

I captured the image in a residential area in Mumbai. I had to move about a little to get to an area not dominated by tall buildings. At the end of it, the tree tops made nice silhouettes.

Technical Data

I used my Sony C5502 camera in manual mode. Aperture was f/2.4 at a shutter speed of 1/125sec. ISO was at 40 and the focal length 4.1mm.

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