
Radiance After Sunset

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There was a nice warm glow in the sky. The colours were wonderful and subtle. There were low clouds which had taken on a pink colour from the light radiated by the sun. The waters in the fields were tinted by the sky.

sunset; sky; cllouds; outdoor; radiance; landscape; nature; uasatish;;
Radiance After Sunset


The photo was captured on the outskirts of Mumbai, in Vasai which has Bassein Creek to the north and Tungari Hills to the east. Many parts of Vasai  fall under coastal regulation zone and are out of bounds for development.

Technical Data

I used a narrow aperture of f/7.1. ISO speed was 200. An exposure time of 1/160 sec. was used. Focal length was 18 mm. Camera is Canon EOS 550D.

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Under a Banyan Tree

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The old Banyan Tree made a canopy over the road. Standing under the tree, I wished to draw the eye towards the tree while dimming the background. This was easier said than done because sunlight had made the background rather bright. I got around the problem by using a flash in high-speed sync.

The photo made it to Flickr Explore on 1 December 2015.

Banyan Tree; tree; road; leaves; sky; outdoor; Vasai; Mumbai; India; uasatish;;
Under a Banyan Tree


Location is on the Vasai-Naigaon road, near Naigaon Koliwada. There was a fair amount of vehicular traffic and I had to wait to get a clear shot.

Technical Data

I used my Canon 430 EX II flash in High-Speed Sync. The shutter speed was 1/500 sec to dim the ambient light. The flash zoom was set to 105 mm and this helped me to get the light fall-off. Aperture was f/5.0. Camera was Canon EOS 550D.

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Cable Cars Gong up to Mount Titlis

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It was a great trip up to the mountains by cable car. The view was lovely. The point of view takes you towards the snow-covered slopes of Mount Titlis. The cable cars passed between fir trees and above a green meadow. There were a couple of cottages down below and a few Swiss cows too. We could hear the cow bells tingle. The scenery quickly transformed itself as the cable cars climbed to Titlis glacier where deep snow covered the landscape.

Mount Titlis; Switzerland; Swiss Alps; snow; trees; cable cars; mountains; uasatish;;
Cable Cars Going up to Mount Titlis


The cable car ride is from Engelberg to Mount Titlis. The ride is in two stages. In the first stage, we were in small cars which could seat six. Later we changed over to big Rotair cars for the final ascent.

Technical Data

I was carrying my Canon EOS 550D. I used it in manual mode with the aperture at f/8.0. Shutter speed was 1/200 sec.

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Tribuna – Uffizi Gallery

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Tribuna (Tribune), the octagonal room in Uffizi Gallery, was completed in 1584. The architect was Bernardo Buontalenti. Several priceless artworks are on display here.

Tribuna; Uffizi Gallery; Florence; Italy; indoor; sculptures; paintings; uasatish;; room;
Tribune – Uffizi Gallery


The Tribuna is one of the major attractions in Uffizi Gallery, Florence. Visitors were not allowed to enter the room. We could however view the exhibits through a grill door.

Camera Info

I was using a Canon PowerShot S110 camera. Since I was not able to cover the entire area in one shot, I made a series of 4-5 images and merged them together in Photoshop. I used a wide aperture of f/2.0. Since the use of flash was prohibited, I employed an ISO of 1250.

Please click here to see the image on my Flickr photostream.

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Day’s Catch

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uasatish, India, Kerala, Kasaragod, blog, landscape,
Day’s Catch

The train journey from Mangalore to Kerala is scenic. The rail tracks run  close to Arabian Sea. Not far from the railway station in Kasaragod, there is a small fishing jetty. It has a landing dock that connects to a shed with red roof.

The jetty is in a bay and wave movements are less. The white bridge stands out against the blue waters. I had shot this image on a January morning. There were no clouds in the sky. The sea appears to blend with the sky.

The shutter speed was 1/250 sec. Aperture was at f/9 to get a good depth of field.

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