Ellora Cave 12 largest excavation in Ellora

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Ellora Caves; Ellora Cav 12; Maharashtra; Budhist Cave; uasatish;

Ellora Cave 12 is a three-storied Buddhist cave and the largest excavation in Ellora. Construction of the cave goes back to the  seventh century. The cave is full of  different sculptures of deities, both male and female.

Ellora Caves; Ellora Cave 12; Maharashra; Buddha culpturs; uasatish;
Sculptures of Buddha

Architecture of Ellora Cave 12

Cave 12 is a massive monastery on three floors. The other monastic caves are much smaller. The architectural design of Ellora Cave 12 indicates that the cave might have operated as a Buddhist educational centre. Entrance to the cave is from a large courtyard.

Ellora Caves; Maharashtra; rock sculptures; uasatish;

Caves 11 and 12 might have been the last Buddhist caves excavated in Ellora. The ground floor in cave 12 has a long hall with three rows of pillars. A Buddha shrine is cut into the rear wall. Steps lead to the intermediate floor and the lay-out is similar.The large upper floor has a verandah, a hall with four rows of pillars and a shrine.The walls have big sculptures of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Ellora Caves; Maharashtra; rock sculpture; usatish;

Buddhist Sculptures and Deities

Ellora Cave 12 portrays two elegant panels showing Dhyani Buddhas and Manushi Buddhas. The Five Dhyani Buddhas are icons of Mahayana Buddhism. One of the panels depicts a row of seven Manushi Buddhas. The second panel shows seven Dhyani Buddhas. The cave also portrays various manifestations of  Bodhisattvas and different forms of Buddhist gods.

Ellora Caves; Ellora Cave 12; Maharashtra; uasatish;
Buddha with Lions

Buddhism is acclaimed as the religion of peace and kindness. It is also famous as the religion of gender equality.

Ellora Caves; Ellora Cave 12; Maharashtra; rock sculpture; uasatish;
Avalokitesvara, Tara and Bhrikuti

Tara is an important figure in Buddhism. Believers consider her as the Mother of Liberation. She most often appears with the blue lotus or night lotus (utpala) which releases its fragrance on the appearance of moon. Therefore Tārā has links with the moon and night. Bhrikuti, the goddess that frowns, is Tara’s angry form. She is usually represented as Green Tara in Tibetan iconography. Avalokitesvara is the Bodhisattva of infinite compassion and mercy. He is popular throughout the Buddhist world

Decline of Buddhist Excavations in Ellora

In the early eight century, rock cut activity in Ellora came to a stop. This may have happened because kings or traders had withdrawn their support. Rivalry between different religious sects was possibly the reason.

Ellora Caves; Maharashtra; lion throne; uasatish;
Buddha on Lion Throne

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