Moonlit Light House in Kannur

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uasatish, India, Kerala, Kannur, lighthouse, moonlit,
Moonlit Light House
Kannur Light House in Kerala is near Payyambalam Beach, a few kilometers from Kannur town. It is adjacent to Government Guest House. The light house is still active and overlooks the Arabian Sea.

Cannanore is the old English name for Kannur town. The light house at Kannur is still often referred to as the Cannanore Light House.

I had to wait patiently till almost midnight for the moon to come up close to the light house. I used a one second exposure at f/4.0. ISO setting was at 800 and focal length was 21 mm.

I was not carrying a tripod, so I had to prop up my Canon EOS 550D camera against a window sill. The sky was cloudless with no haze or mist. So I was able to get a clear shot.

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